Monday, June 24, 2013

Love and Light to all 3900 of you who have hit my blog!  It's now June 24, 2013 a Monday and I still have this crusty stuff on my scalp coming up through the hair holes.  I can feel the patches of "it" moving under my scalp.  Right now "it" is concentrated on the very top of my head from crown to forehead and my head is sore.  I have waked up all week with a very deep headache.  Just wanted to say THANK YOU for leaving me a message.  PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE prescriptions for this condition unless YOU HAVE THIS "STUFF", YOU USED THE REMEDY AND IT IS WORKING NOW FOR SIX MONTHS! THANKYOU.  We all want to know how to heal this, but we don't want someone to tell us unless that someone has the stuff and has been healed.  All of us who have this are in a constant state of wanting it to go away, we have tried a 100 things that everyone has said to try what we are looking for and why I started this blog was to find the CURE.  We do not even know WHAT THIS STUFF IS!!!!!  When you know what it is and have experienced the cure then let us all know, post it here!!!  We will all feel so grateful.


1.  Have we been lifted up recently within the last four years to an experiment with ETs? We can't remember.
2.  Do we all smoke?
3.  Do we all pick at our scalps constantly? Nervously?
4. Have we been diagnoised with Shingles before this outbreak began?
5. Did we have some extremely stressful times before this begin?

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave your comment if any of the above questions apply to you.  It is so strange that more and more of us have this but no DR. can see it or wants to see it or can help us.


  1. Hi Vimala, I wanted to say Thanks for posting this blog..... I have wondered very often for the last few months if id lost my mind completely. Im sorry you're experiencing this but for me and im sure all the others I am Thankful to know someone out there knows what Im going thru.

    I was going to let you know my own answers to the questions you posted and then I have a couple of questions for you...
    Yes I smoke cigarettes.
    No shingles but ive had chickenpox and my understanding is that if youve had that, then shingles lives in your body already
    Yes I nervously pick and have trichotillomania, but this has been most of my life and not only because of this stuff going on now.
    Yes I went thru the most stressful events of my life this year starting in about January and continuing up until things have recently started calming down some.

    I wondered if you had been hospitalized in the few months before you started noticing these scalp issues...had you ever been diagnosed with a staph or MRSA infection prior to this?
    Have you ever tried using epsom salt and/or baking soda to exfoliate your scalp?
    I was hospitalized for 3 weeks for a MSSA infection which is basically a strain of staph very similar to MRSA only its responsive to very strong doses of antibiotics. I had surgery to remove the largest infection but I had lesions on my head that cleared before the hospital stay and one on the back of my neck that went away while I was in the hospital.
    Ive wondered if this was some strange form of staph because they say staph "tunnels" and the way my scalp feels is like it has channels... but they move.
    Also i recently started using epsom salt and baking soda with my shampoo and it seems to help dry it up.. . I have still been losing hair but it FEELS better. Epsom supposedly draws out impurities and is good for infections so it cant hurt right?
    You mentioned being in the south in texas... ive wondered if its something in the air too.

  2. Thanks so much for your comment! Finally someone has something to share with us!!! Yeah! I haven't tried epsom or baking soda and I was not hospitalized prior to the onset of this "dis-ease". I am still using the qualities of H202 as a remedy because it seems to be drying up the fluid under my scalp. I also stopped eating so many animal products. I like the idea of epsom salt too. I also use sunlight when I apply the H202, its bleached my hair completely, but I like it. Let's keep looking at this. When others begin to send in their experiences we should find some kind of common thread. Right now we have two. We live in the South and we smoke tobacco.

  3. Hi Vimala!
    I'm experiencing folliculits on my scalp too and I have big scars.
    Below my answers:

    2. Do we all smoke?
    3. Do we all pick at our scalps constantly? Nervously?
    4. Have we been diagnoised with Shingles before this outbreak began?
    5. Did we have some extremely stressful times before this begin?

    Additionaly I had very seroius surgery after gunshot.

  4. I believe that the itching and the hairs sticking together call our attention to our scalps. When it first started I felt like I was going crazy and I know that my husband and grandson felt I was a nervous wreck. After three years I still have to lie down, close my eyes and "work" on my stuck together to my scalp hair with my fingertips and nails. It's become a meditation. I have seen a drying result after using the Hydrogen Peroxide, so I am continuing to use it. Our one common thread so far is the extremely stressful times occurring before the outbreak on our scalps, then of course the nervous itching.
