Sunday, January 31, 2016

SENSITIVITY to Technology

January 30,2016

Love and Light to you.  Glad you found my blog. It's an ongoing account of my troubles with scalp folliculitis.
Just recently I have been having an idea about what could cause my body to send up tiny little bubbles of fluid through the roots of my hair, especially when I drive or ride in the car.

I feel like I have a extremely sensitive sense of electromagnetic energy and my body reacts to it when I am in the car, or hearing loud voices or on the cell phone or sitting here at this PC typing.  Running electrical objects like a vacuum clearner, blender, juicer, etc. sending those bubbles up.

Frankly the only time there are no fluid bubbles......SLEEPING.  Complete resting state. Calm. Quiet. No electronics.

I told my husband this, I said, "maybe I have been abducted by ETs and I don't remember it, but "they" planted something in my head and it wants to come out because there is something inside my skull that keeps moving around and feels lumpy and stretches my scalp up so tight it almost hurts.

Sometimes I get a headache and my eyes feel sore too.  My body also shakes, trembles at times. I feel this stuff in my scalp is from my central nervous system or coming from misfiring of the neurons in my brain waves.????

I use to wear reading glasses, not I can see great up close it's my far sighted vision which is all blurred did that happen?

Now I am  incredibly devoted to spirituality. I co create  and counsel others with the angels and the ascended masters. These are much faster frequencies than three dimensional reality, so all these symptoms could be coming from the much prayer and devotion that I do every day.

Basically I still have no real answers, but I did want to keep in touch with you. Maybe you have the answers....please comment.

Love you,