June 25, 2013
I'm amazed at how many people are searching for answers to this condition. I am still searching. Yesterday I shaved all my hair off my head again. Trying to let it grow out because of my family, but I just can't. The longer it gets the worse the glue seems to get. Every little hair hole secrets a sticky substance that will try to extend the whole length of the hair. You don't need gel with this stuff....it's like putting gel on the roots of my hair, making my hairs stand straight up.
I want to thank those kind people who have left some remedies as comments. However we, me and my readers are searching for a true CURE. We ask : POST A CURE THAT YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED FOR A LEAST SIX MONTHS.
What I wanted to say today is that I also have the bones of my head shifting slightly or there are knots under my scalp moving and it seems to be under the most affected places. Also I noticed after shaving my head how much better I felt! Upon looking closer to my scalp with a magnifying mirror I notice that two hairs are growing out of the same hair holes in places. The hairs that are affected are black and stiff.
Also I wonder so much why I am so tried all the time. All I really would like to do any day is get in my bed and sleep, but I don't, I keep going. Some people would say I was depressed if I said this, but I'm not. I take NO MEDICATIONS except Advil for headaches that come from having this. But tired all the time. It's a rare day when I have so much energy I am singing. I will be 65 in October. I have to stay busy, I have an 18 year old, a 10year old and an 8 year old, a husband and a 45 year old son all counting on me to FEED them every day.
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