Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday August 22, 2011

Those itching burning blisters on your scalp need some PINE TAR SOAP.  I bought some online at Grandpa's Pine Tar website.  I must admit that the condition of my scalp is surely changing, for the better? for the worst?  It's hard to say.  I have so much oil shooting up from the hair follicules it's unbelievable to me.  It just keeps coming and coming.  Every day for the last week I have washed my hair in the Grandpa's Pine Tar Soap Original and the oil is consumed and washed away.  My hair feels clean and normal, then the oil begins to bubble up again.  The very small bubbles, the size of a hair hole come us right at the root which is blackened too.  Then the oil glands go into action, sending oil to the surface of my scalp.  However, because I have been washing every day I have been able to clear away  stiff crunchy layers of five month old dried bubbles and stuck together hairs that formed on the top of my head.  My crown chakra.
I continue to treat the wetness and burning that I feel which I believe to be the folliculitis infection with the Scar Family product 3 Yellow Cleanser Kit $9.99, I buy it online too.  It takes me a week to use a quart of the solution which is made right in my kitchen..  I frankly don't know if this is a cure just yet.  I seem to have an advanced case which went totally untreated until I began this blog.  Taking action and empowering myself to find a SOLUTION to this horrible condition that captures so much of my time and energy.  But I will for sure let you know when I am free of this and I am trailblazing by writing this blog. Remember, one dermatologist sent me away with a shampoo for hair loss, making me feel "stupid" that surely I was only loosing my hair, silly lady. The next "group" of dermatologists did two biopsies, one culture of a few pulled hairs and then sent me away to The Mayo Clinic so a team of physicians could study me.  That's when I had enough of the dermatologists.  Now I know there is a cure and I am affirming that my scalp returns to normal.  I AM A NORMAL HEALTHY SCALP ONCE AGAIN.

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