Saturday, November 18, 2017

Jelly like substance, Sticky Scalp

November 17,2017

OK!  I have been dealing with this scalp invasion since September 2011, a little over six years.  I must say that most of the little marble like knots under my scalp are gone and things seem to be getting better even though I still have rows upon rows of hairs continuing to break off at just above the scalp and all the hair seems to have the sticky stuff at the roots. It still itches, but not as much.  I stopped shaving my head and my hair is still thick and is growing very long.  The color was always like blond, naturally , but it has grown darker with this stuff in the roots.  Hopefully you will go to the comments section of this blog to read what experiences others are having.  I am amazed at how many of us actually have something going on under our scalp, coming out of every hair.!!!

I checked my "stats" for this blog and the All Time History Page Views are from the USA only numbering 25,623!!!! Since 2011. That's people looking for answers.  Which I do not have, but as we all share information it may help to understand what can happen with scalps.  It seems to be a part of our body which has little knowledge focused about it.

I have come to believe that our cases are unique to something in our enviornment, a new microb, new strains of "something" no one knows exists right now.  Like we are the first. It may sound strange, but I have wondered if I was abducted by ETs and something was implanted within my head and I have had a reaction to the foreign body.  But I also think this is a very intelligent something because it travels systematically row by row taking hairs, leaving hairs, growing new hairs.  Wherever the jelly stuff is, it seems to be in the middle of a patch of hair that feels like to me a flower. The petals of the flower curl up around the jelly spot.

Yet, I have less and less jelly spots these days.  One brave person commented that he opened his scalp and sucked the stuff out!!!  I thought to open my scalp too, but I felt it would be too invasive and I needed to heal from within side, then out. 

Do let us hear from you, especially when you find out what the stuff is.  Spiritually our crown chakras are opening for the Golden Age and this is good, but physically it can be quite annoying.

Love YOU,