Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sticky Substance in every hair root

Thank you for clicking in.  A special thanks to those who took the time to answer those few questions.
The one common thread that we all have so far:  we had some kind of traumatic event happen before our heads became involved with this condition.

 Still applying the Hydrogen Peroxide to my scalp sitting in the sunshine, that's light therapy.  The swelling in my skull has diminished considerably and my skull bones seem back together in the right place. I feel like the HP and sunlight are working, like reducing the fluid like substance under my scalp which I feel is somehow fighting the infection in the hair roots, less substance, much less.

 It has been three years now since this cropped up on my scalp.  I will not loose hope or the faith that it will leave as surely as it came and I will be normal once again.

Blessings to you and I continue to pray for better answers and a cure that works fast.  Love and Light.

Don't feel alone, so far I have had almost 6000 hits on this Blog.  So that many of us are looking for more answers.  Don't give up and Don't give in and when you get the cure come back here and tell all of us.

Love and Light,