So you decided to Google to see what's up on your scalp. Lots of sites with some interesting stuff on it, but I'm telling you today, you most likely have a malady on your scalp called FOLLICULITIS. And it's just starting too. Your scalp itches like crazy and you have noticed that you have a few new parts in your hair that you didn't have a couple of months ago. Right? Like your hair is missing in places, not in round patches but in parts.
GO RIGHT NOW TO AN CHINESE ACUPUNCTURIST, he or she has treatments and ask for
FU YIN TAI Herbal Lotion to soak your head two times a day. Morning and Evening. It will turn your hair yellow but it is worth it, believe me. THEN google : 3 YELLOW CLEANSER and buy some. That's the next step, unless your local chinese medicine shop has it available. It's listed in the chinese heabal books dating back into the 400's B.C. so it's been tested a long time. Research brings little to the surface about folliculitis. The dermatogist have no clue really. It is from the ancient formulas of the chinese that may be the cure. Still little is available concerning the matter especially associated with the scalp. I am now in day two of trying the cleanser which I received from my TCM acupunturists yesterday. I had to make the teas let cool then washed my hair in it last night, this morning and will continue to apply with cotton balls until tonights hair washing.
The last thing you want to do is start having pus run out of your scalp. That will need some oral antibiotics. So do what I say and fast and catch your infection before it spreads to every hair follicule like mine has over the last six months....waiting on the doctor to do something for me........NOT.
I got this goggle blog just for you, so when you googled about your scalp and hair this would HOPEFULLY come up on the first page so you didn't have to go through what I have had to go through for five months, because it only gets worst with time.
Our family doctor gave me blood test to check my thyroid and for diabetes. I had no problems. No Lupus, nothing else in my blood, everything is aok.
Last year in March of 2010 I had been diagnoised with shingles on the left side of my scalp, forehead and over my left eye. Valtrex was precribed and shingles vanished except for two hard pimples. One pimple was on the left side of my head, the other directly in the back center of my head.
This year in February of 2011 I noticed that these pimples were gone and in their place was lot's of itching and this crusty stuff on my head. I also noticed my hair was missing in short parts along my forehead.
I went to our doctor and he was sure it was diabetes or thyroid and demanded testing, it was neither of those two things. He looked at it again and gave me another script for Valtrex. I was experiencing these light and fluffy blisters coming up and breaking and what ever was in those blisters made my hair stick to my scalp.
The blisters kept coming hundreds of blisters, over and over and over they burst up out of every hair hole and laid my hair down with sticky stuff until I had these huge places of matted hair on my scalp.
No one could tell from looking at me, I still had a head full of hair, but under that hair on my scalp and under the matted hair was this fungus of FOLLICULITIS which continue to be active all day and all night.
My hands as my family would tell you were constantly on my head. Still as I write this I am finding my way out of this FOLLICULITIS.
I've been to three dermatologist who sent me away. One has sent me to a Neurologist and another told me, "oh, you are just loosing your hair!" which by the way, I am not loosing my hair, just normal hair loss. The third is sending me to Mayo Clinic to a Neurologist. Which by the way I do not need to do because my acupuncturist is treating me for hair and skin with needles, then I drink some very good teas and use the Fu Yin Tai Herbal lotion on my hair at night and in the day. I am having great success! In three weeks layer upon layer of matting is dissolving and the oils of my scalp are surfacing. All that hair that was buried so long is now free and soft and HAPPY.
I suffered for five months with my hand on top of my head, my fingers feeling and picking and scatching and the worry that has been involved and the patience that my family has had to learn...... that's why I started this blog. Hopefully you will go now and don't waste your $$$$$$$$$$$ on dermatology, or doctors, unless the Chinese Medicine doesn't stop the crusting, itching, blisters and give you your clean head of hair back.
I don't know how long this will take to heal, it's been five months matting and blistering, so I imagine it will take another couple of weeks, but I am so grateful for my accupuncturist and her medicine.
I would imagine that you do not have to have an accupuncture treatment if you do not want one, just find the FU YIN TAI and some great teas for your hair and skin.
This is an affiliate blog, it isn't a advertizement for a product, it is my Life's story for the past five years and I really want to help other